2018 in Review

2018 has been an amazing year. I took some time this morning to reflect on the past year. Lately I’ve been running a million miles a minute (which seems to be the new normal), and I wanted to make time to reflect and appreciate 2018 before flying straight into 2019.

I started 2018 knowing it would be a big year for me. The stakes for the vineyard were in the ground, and AJ and I were engaged. January was a slow month. I got to visit friends in Reno, and Vicente and I worked slowly on putting cross arms up in the field. As the weather got warmer vineyard and wedding planning picked up. Both things were coming fast. I soon realized that my wedding and vineyard planting were going to fall very close to each other.

March was filled with bridal showers, a bachelorette party, and long days working on my irrigation system. If you’ve been following along for a while you might remember all the trouble I’ve had when it came to my irrigation system. If you’re new here (hello!) I may have to write another blog for that story! On March 30thwe finally finished everything and I was able to see water run through my irrigation lines. Cutting it a little too close for my liking!

April! The month where I watched my dreams come true. 

On April 19tha truck pulled in from Wonderful Nursey with 37,600 dormant vines. We unloaded box after box into the shop where the vines slowly warmed up to prep for planting. 

 On April 21stwe had the perfect wedding. The day was gorgeous, the venue was a dream, and I was marrying a man who supported all my wild and crazy dreams. I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day. We spent our wedding night at Wine and Roses and enjoyed a relaxing Sunday. But our minimoon was just that – mini. 

 On April 23rdmy vineyard was planted. I watched as my vines were pulled from the boxes and shoved into the ground. Then covered with boxes again. Each vine got its own personal green house.

Two of my biggest dreams came true within 2 days. I was married to AJ, and I had 50 acres of baby grapes in the ground. I’d worked years for both of these goals. Looking back now, I don’t know that I ever got to sit down and see what I had accomplished, and how good it felt. April is the busiest month of the year when it comes to my family’s farm. We’re working long days to get all the corn planted. And me being me, I decided to make it even crazier by planting a vineyard and having a wedding!

Other than our spa day, there was no down time. May came and went. I watched the vines grow, I watched the corn grow, and the fields of green wheat. We were given an amazing wedding gift, that we used for my birthday in June. 

When my grandpa was younger he was in the coast guard, and worked in a light house not far from San Francisco. The lighthouse has now been turned into a bed and breakfast where people can visit for a night of being unplugged from the world. My Aunt gifted us with a night at the East Brother’s Lighthouse, in the room my grandpa lived in. It was a beautiful and emotional experience that I will cherish forever. 

The summer months always seem to fly by. Long hot days full of work and family. We irrigated corn, watched my vines start to explode, celebrated 4thof July with our small town’s parade, as well as Pear Fear in the next town over. So far, the year was going great, but August and September brought some heartache.

My dear black lab Royal was diagnosed with cancer in August after being brought in to the ER for an emergency surgery. We did everything we could do for her. On September 5th I decided she could sleep in bed with me. On the morning of September 6th she decided it was time to say goodbye. I still cry just thinking about saying goodbye to her. I don’t want to fill this blog with heartache though. You can read more about my amazing Royal here. She filled out her life with love and hope. She was truly a once in a lifetime dog. 

At the end of the month we welcomed home a new puppy. Initially I wasn’t sure about bringing home a new dog so soon, but the I’ve always been told, ‘If you have love to give, why not give it?’ I visited Hearts for Paws rescue and when I saw Reign, I not only fell in love, but she picked me. In the midst of other people and puppies running around, she laid on my feet, and let me know that I was her human now. 

September didn’t only bring me heartache, it brought me joy. We welcomed home Reign, along with my grandpa’s chicken coop and a handful of chickens. I’d been wanting to move my grandpa’s coop to my house for some time and we finally did it! I officially have fresh eggs daily, and I can’t wait to expand the flock next year!


October was a few weeks of non-stop corn harvest. The weather was perfect and we started and finished corn harvest without any trouble. Probably the smoothest harvest since I’ve done! I also learned how to can in October! My mom taught me how to make diced tomatoes and tomato sauce. Now that I know how, I’m hoping to do more next year. 

November and December have been slow(er). Cleaning up equipment, fixing things around the yard and house. Finally, a little down time from the farm, but still a million things to do. I still have so much to learn when it comes to the farm and starting our little homestead. But 2018 was a great year, and it felt like a huge building block to what I want to create for my life. 


This year has helped shape my goals for next year. I learned about working towards debt freedom, I’ve continued to learn about mental health, photography, farming. A lot of things that can bring me joy in life. I look forward to sharing my goals for 2019 with you soon!

Here’s to a happy and healthy 2019.